A mere ten months ago we started construction on the Tilke designed track layout and the Clubhouse. So far, all of the organisation, planning, and public relations has been completed by the people at GAIN. We wish to thank all of them for their efforts and hard work over and above their regular responsibilities in operating our eight (and soon to be ten) dealerships.
A big thank you to Cindy Mui, Marketing Director; Serena Ho, Executive Assistant; Brent Evans, Sales Manager; Evan Hamilton, GAIN Dealership Assistant; and the many other people who work in accounting, marketing, HR, and the GAIN Performance Driving Program for all their efforts and hard work.
Today was the day in which each of the responsibilities was passed to team leaders who will take the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit to its grand opening and, in some cases, beyond. We were able to host 16 people at the circuit for a tour of the track and the Clubhouse, to help each of them understand the current status and the construction progress. After a tour through the individual rooms of the Clubhouse, with an in-depth explanation of the future use of the facility, we went for a drive. Each participant received a guided drive on the track with one of our driving instructors behind the wheel explaining each turn, each bend, every straight, and the banking and camber of the road, to experience the five different track layouts.
For the meeting portion of the day’s activities, the group drove to the partner hotel; what an experience that proved to be. While Victoria and the rest of the lower island were at normal temperatures of 5-7 degrees, the Villa Eyrie gave the participants the feeling of winter, with snow and, most importantly, sitting in a meeting above the clouds. As if it were staged, a bald eagle circled the property just as we were leaving, to remind us why the resort is called the Villa Eyrie.
The meeting today was all about the introduction of the players who will launch the circuit, and to explain the opportunities and discuss the responsibilities. It was used to review the planning from inception to today, and to also explain the vision for the coming months, which includes membership sales, the hiring and training of the staff and, as the pinnacle event, the grand opening in May 2016.
Ladies and Gentleman, every motorsport enthusiast and nearly all racers know of and understand the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit. We have hosted many of them, and many more have announced their intention to visit in the coming weeks.
Today, we are proud to present the team of professionals that will bring the facility to life in five short months. Between now and then, we will also feature each of their stories and how they came to join us at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit.