Dear Motorsport or Sports Car Enthusiasts,
Today is a very special day for all of us at the GAIN Dealer Group and the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit, as it marks the official launch date of the very special, and limited membership at our unique club. We are especially thankful to announce the start of membership sales today but for a different reason than you might think.
Up until today, we have received 3,674 e-mail inquires regarding memberships, general inquiries and Circuit feedback. I personally, have had the pleasure of answering each and every one of them since our very first blog post, January of 2015. As we are extremely passionate about this project and as we believe in personalized messages with every thing we do, I took the time to answer each individual personally.
I would like to take this time to apologize if I frustrated any of the senders by not answering everything immediately to the full extent. I am excited to announce that the time has finally come, and today, we are officially able to offer you the three different membership packages. Until today not a single person, no matter their status, wealth or importance was able to purchase a membership, and very few knew the price. However, most estimates or guesses are in fact higher than what the final price of the individual membership is.
I believe our dealer group knows the retail business as we sell over 4,500 automobiles per year and the most successful people in our organisation have been in the business, selling premium cars on Vancouver Island, for many years. We were also fortunate enough to meet, over the years, some of the very best merchandizers and storytellers. We learned from all of them, some valuable lessons and we know that the presentation and the final project is more important than a promise based on nothing but an idea.
Inspired by them, we did not take the easy road. We did not take payments, we never promised something that was bound to change and we never wanted to disappoint people, like so many other clubs and similar track facilities do. We aren’t a real estate developer building a sub division with a track as the attraction.
From day one, we wanted to take the approach that allowed people to buy their membership and with that, live out their dream on a world-class road track without the stress of having to fund the construction and risk the project going sideways, hurting them along the way.
We planned, we designed, we constructed the best track of its kind in Canada and now that the road track and the facilities are close to completion, we would like to invite interested members to come and visit us. From there, if you like what you see, you will be joining a club so unique and so exclusive, that you won’t find a comparable track anywhere nearby.
Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for your patience, endurance and persistence. Most importantly, thank you for allowing us to make the membership sales at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit special.
Dr. Sylvester Chuang and myself came up with the idea of building a facility like this for our clients, our dealerships and our brands only three years ago. That idea and every step of the planning, designing and now the construction of the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit, has created a first class Motorsport Facility in world record time (confirmed by Tilke GmbH). It is meant to be a playground for driving enthusiasts to enjoy their special car, on a safe but extremely challenging circuit, while also enjoying the company of likeminded individuals.
We look forward to meeting you in person and most importantly, we hope to see the look on your face after your first official driving day at the Circuit.
For those who have contacted us already regarding memberships, please expect an email from us in the coming week for your exclusive invitation to book your private tour.
Peter Trzewik & Dr. Sylvester Chuang