With the road course paving now complete, Shoes Line Painting have spent the last week at the Circuit completing the kerbs and lines on the track. What a difference the track lines, the painted kerbs and the painted verges have made.
track safety requirements
On Thursday October 15th, our friends at Rudi & Company, world renowned automotive restorer and former owner of Pacific Competition Developments, joined us for an exclusive look at the current progress of the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit.
When the GAIN Dealer Group first began to consider the this project, the decision was taken to seek advice and instruction from the very best in the field. Tilke GMBH & Co, the world’s foremost designer of race and test facilities, was invited to assist.
Over the next few weeks the circuit will take on its permanent appearance. Tilke Engineering’s design requires that the grading and leveling is referenced at least every metre and compared to the design drawings. While time consuming, this attention to detail will result in a perfect track surface.
It’s clear to see what Tilke GMBH & Co had in mind when they designed the circuit. Forms to create the curbing will begin to be placed within the next week. The track will then receive a light “crush” topping (a light aggregate) prior to final grading.
The Vancouver Island Motorsport Resort is not a race track but its safety requirements are designed to FIA standards.